Quickest and Easiest Ways Boxers Recover

You already know why you need to recover, but the problem is you just can’t be bothered. 

I get it, after a long and exhausting training session, 

You don’t want to sit down in your clothes that are now drenched in sweat and spend the next 20 minutes holding tedious positions to stretch your muscles, especially because

You are starving

All you can think about is that warm, mouth-watering, home-cooked meal that you’ve got waiting for you at home

So you say “screw it” and as soon as training is finished, you shake everyone's hand, grab your stuff, get in your car, and race home so you can satisfy your hunger

Completely forgetting about any sort of recovery whatsoever.

Until the next day, when you wake up and your whole body feels like it’s collapsing in on itself

Making you spend your whole day feeling and moving like a stiff, sore robot

All because you couldn’t be bothered to do your proper recoveries.

So if you want to stop feeling like a stiff sore robot while still getting home fast for that nice, warm meal then read through this post and discover the quickest and easiest ways that you can recover as a boxer  

List Of Benefits Of Recovery

For those who don’t actually know much about recovery, here is a short list showing you the specific benefits that it will have for you as a boxer.

  • Reduces the risk of injuries.
  • Allows for the repair and recovery of damaged muscle tissues.
  • Replenishes energy stores for optimal performance.
  • Facilitates physiological adaptations, such as increased strength and endurance.
  • Supports mental resilience and focus.
  • Promotes muscle growth and development for more power and speed.
  • Reduces muscle soreness and stiffness from intense training sessions.
  • Supports the immune system's function to stay healthy and avoid illnesses.
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight and body composition.

How To Recover

6. Stretching 

Now this is the only one on the list that has to be done right after a workout,

But you do need to start doing it after your workouts

I know that delicious, homecooked dinner is screaming your name at home

However, you just need 10-15 minutes to…

  • Cool down, 
  • Lower your heart rate,
  • Bring your breathing back to normal 
  • Prevent muscle tightness
  • Prevent muscle imbalances
  • And improve flexibility

Stretching Guide 

All you need to do is hold 1 stretch for each of the main muscle groups listed below.

  1. Back
  2. Chest
  3. Forearms
  4. Shoulders
  5. Quads
  6. Hamstrings
  7. Calfs
  8. Hips
  9. Extra stretch for whatever is sore

    Hold each stretch for 30 seconds on each side and then after only 10-15 minutes you’ll be able to shake everyone's hand, get in the car, drive home, and enjoy the very meal you’ve been patiently waiting for 

    Without worrying about waking up and feeling like a rusty machine in need of oil.

    Stretching isn't enough

    While Stretching is still definitely required, for those who actually push themselves during their sessions, 

    Stretching on its own won’t be enough recovery to completely prevent the feeling of waking up and feeling like an unoiled machine.

    So if you are someone who is actively putting their body through hell day in and day out 

    Then you are going to need these next 5 methods, to help your body keep up with your mind 

    And allow for maximum performance during every session.

    5. Massage

    Choosing the right type of massage and figuring out how often to visit can be quite confusing. The best thing you can do is speak to a qualified massage therapist and let them give recommendations based on your specific situation, 

    However, not everyone has time for that, so here is a quick guide to help you decide on which massage routine is going to suit you best…

    For athletes with high-intensity training or specific performance targets, deeper massages like sports or deep tissue may be beneficial. 

    For athletes seeking relaxation and maintenance, opting for Swedish or relaxation-focused massages is going to suit them best. 

    Initially, scheduling massages every 1-2 weeks is a good starting point, then you can adjust based on progress and by listening to your body's needs. 

    4. Heat

    If you don’t want to be touched by another person or you're looking for ways to get peace and quiet while your recover then heat therapy may be the way to go.

    Heat therapy, such as saunas and steam rooms, can be a beneficial practice to incorporate into your post-workout recovery routine. 

    Applying heat to specific areas of your body after intense physical activity promotes relaxation, alleviates muscle tension, and reduces stiffness. 

    Saunas and steam rooms create a high-temperature and humid environment that encourages sweating, aiding in the elimination of toxins from the body. 

    The heat also improves blood circulation, facilitating the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles for faster recovery and reduced muscle soreness. 

    How long in the sauna

    All you need is 10-20 minutes in the sauna, once or twice a week and you will notice all the benefits listed above.

    Sauna Cautions

    It's important to stay hydrated, follow facility guidelines, and use saunas and steam rooms responsibly. 

    If you have any underlying health conditions, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating heat therapy into your routine. 

    Saunas and steam rooms can be valuable additions to your post-workout regimen, but it's crucial to use them in moderation and listen to your body's signals to maximize their benefits.

    3. Cold

    On the other end of heat therapy is cold therapy.

    Now this is much more effective than heat therapy, however, it is also much more uncomfortable

    So if you are someone who wants to stay in their comfort zone and take the easy methods of therapy then ignore this section

    But if you are someone who isn’t bothered by being uncomfortable and will do whatever it takes to optimize your routine to get the best results possible then you must incorporate cold therapy into your recovery. 

    This is because applying cold therapy after a workout can help reduce inflammation, alleviate muscle soreness, and promote faster recovery. 

    This can be done through various methods such as ice packs, cold showers, and ice baths. 

    Cold therapy is beneficial after workouts because it reduces blood flow to the affected areas by constricting blood vessels. 

    This reduction in blood flow helps minimize swelling, which is particularly useful for minor injuries, strains, or swelling. Additionally, the cold temperature also numbs nerve endings, providing temporary pain relief.

    So if you want to avoid feeling sore, tight, and stiff then cold therapy by far is the best option on this list 

    And must be included in your recovery if you don't want to feel like the TIN MAN from Dorothy in Wonderland.

    How long in the cold

    Ice packs - 20 minutes at a time, after training and in specific painful areas until the pain goes away

    Cold showers - 3-5 minutes at a time, every day

    Ice Baths - 2-3 minutes, 1-2 times a week

    Cold Therapy Cautions

    No longer than 15 minutes in an ice bath to prevent the risk of hyperthermia.

    It is important to apply cold therapy with caution and seek guidance from a healthcare professional if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.

    2. Active Recovery

    Now that all the painful methods of recovery are out of the way

    These last 2 methods are going to be simple, easy and help you get that little bit of extra recovery

    So that you are able to get that little bit of extra performance in the gym

    The first method is active recovery.

    Active recovery is a valuable practice to incorporate into your post-workout routine. 

    Rather than completely resting, active recovery involves engaging in low-intensity activities that promote blood flow and aid in the recovery process. By performing light exercises you can help reduce muscle soreness, remove metabolic waste products, and enhance circulation to promote healing. 

    All you have to do is 15 minutes of light shadowboxing at the end of your workout. 

    Don't snap your punches, don't practice speed or power, and don't try to increase the intensity

    Just start the timer, get a nice easy rhythm, and work on your technique and combinations without exhausting yourself.

    This alone will help prevent stiffness and promotes joint mobility, allowing your body to recover faster and prepare for future workouts. 

    1. Sleep

    By far the most comfortable and easy way to recover. Now I'm not going to tell you why sleep is important because you already know.

    It’s no surprise but what I will tell you is how you can actually increase the quality to maximize the benefits you receive

    1. Consistency over length. Recent studies have shown that getting the same amount of sleep every night is actually more effective than just getting more sleep in general. So instead of always trying to spend days sleeping in, do your best to stick to a consistent amount of sleep each day
    2. Avoid blue light for half an hour before bed. Get off your phone, get off your laptop, and stop staring at screens. The blue light that these screens give off actually halts the release of melatonin which is the hormone that regulates sleep.
    3. No caffeine 4-6 hours before bed. If you train at night times then obviously you need to make an exception but caffeine should not be taken before bed for obvious reasons.
    4. Black out the room - now blue light is bad for falling asleep but all light is bad for getting deep sleep. So in order to get the most deep sleep possible whether it's blackout curtains or a simple sleep mask do whatever you can to eliminate as much light as humanly possible.

    By doing all of these you will be able to maximize your sleep quality so that you can recover effectively to have the most focus and energy possible 

    As opposed to waking up and spending your entire day feeling slow and dopey.


    In conclusion, while recovery may seem like a hassle, it plays a vital role in optimizing performance and overall well-being for boxers. 

    By incorporating proper recovery techniques, such as stretching, massage, heat therapy, cold therapy, active recovery, and prioritizing quality sleep, boxers can experience numerous benefits. 

    These include reduced risk of injuries, muscle repair, energy replenishment, physiological adaptations, mental resilience, muscle growth, reduced soreness, immune system support, and weight management. 

    Though it may require you to go through some pain and discomfort, investing in recovery is essential for maintaining the optimal physical condition and achieving peak performance in every training session. 

    So, if you're not scared of a little discomfort, and want every advantage you can get in order to beat the competition

    Then having a well-rounded and effective recovery plan is crucial so that you can perform at your very best all of the time and outwork your competition.

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